Birthday Celebration!

Good morning. 

Growing up, the best part about our birthdays was the cake.  Mom always came up with something interesting, fun, and best of all, creative.  There were 5 kids in our family.  There were no extravagant pony rides, petting zoos, or road trips to the city.  We had delicious cake, ice cream and the company of our cousins.   What more does a kid need?

Mom and I have been on the phone for days tossing around ideas for Ryan’s birthday cake.  She is so creative, I love her ideas!  Ryan loves dinosaurs.  She suggested a volcano cake (also to add dry ice for a smoke affect!) with palm trees.  I thought it would be cool to add blue water, maybe a small stream or lake.  This morning she suggested using large and small marshmallows for rocks and using pretzel rods for the palm tree trunk and green fruit roll ups for the leaves….  I thought it would be great to do all of this on a sheet cake for a base.  For the actual volcano, I thought crushed oreos pressed into chocolate frosting….ahhhh, delicious!  Wait, it’s not about me…..

Anyway, this is so fun!  Are you now understanding why my Mom is such an inspiration?

Stay tuned, I will have pictures!

Have a great weekend!
