I am so excited to finally have a date (Feb. 12) to post my first monthly newsletter! If you sign up, you will receive it via email. I will be giving hints as to what’s coming up as well as cooking tips, time and money saving ideas and, of course, recipes. This newsletter will be printable so you may have it in hand to read at your leisure.
I am very excited to announce that I have a wine expert, Nora, to help with parings as well as general guidelines for serving wines. We’re going to call it “Nora Knows Wine.” Nora is going to be a monthy contributor to my blog, I can’t wait! I love wine but don’t always know what to serve with what. We will also entertain questions from readers.
Ok, the most exciting part of this whole newsletter thing is that if you sign up to receive it, you will be in a drawing to win a Mini Cuisinart Food Processor! If you’ve already signed up for the newsletter, you’re automatically in the drawing. This is one of my favorite kitchen applicances, you’ll love it.
I will announce the winner on March 12th, and will promptly ship!
Thanks everyone! Have a blessed day!