Well, I can’t believe we’re here already! I walked out onto the deck this morning and it’s official, fall has arrived. Anyway, as much as I love fall, I am always sad to see our beautiful garden go and of course, the hummingbirds. They are still here, buzzing around like crazy, only now, there are babies! That’s right, babies. Believe it or not, they are much smaller than their tiny parents. I also got close enough to see that they had speckles on their bellies. So sweet. It was also easy to pick out the little ones by the way they flew around the yard/flowers. Not as agile as their parents, so funny. You could tell they were siblings, they seemed to tease and chase each other constantly. So it’s not just human siblings who drive each other crazy, encouraging….
Time for comfort foods and schedules again.
The thing I love most about changing seasons is that it’s almost like a new beginning, four times a year. We have so many chances to make positive changes, don’t we?
Let’s take the journey together. I will share recipes from my heart if you promise to make them for you and your family, OK?
Have a wonderful weekend and be safe.