Hello everyone!
Anyone watch Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution? I love it! It’s very much what I’m all about, getting everyone in their kitchens and using good, real ingredients. Yes, I do sweets, but the recipes contain all REAL ingredients. As always, sweet treats must be enjoyed in moderation.
Have you noticed the foods that are coming into season? Strawberries and asparagus. So many more are just around the corner. Try to fill your cart with good produce, healthy whole grains, such as brown rice and whole wheat pasta, lean meats, and low fat dairy.
Let’s all strive to elilminate processed foods. Here are some things I do not bring into my house and the alternatives I do:
NO to Soda, YES to juices such as apple, orange, and grape that do not contain corn syrup.
NO to Processed/packaged cookies, YES to home baked goodies with real ingredients.
NO to Fruit roll ups/candy, YES to plenty of fresh fruit, grapes, pears, bananas.
NO to sweet lunch drinks, YES to water for lunch.
These are just a few things that can make a big difference. If you have any suggestions you’d like to share, please do! Feel free to email me.
Have a great weekend!